How to Invest

Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund

Below you can find information on how to invest in the fund. Aberforth does not offer regular saving schemes, ISAs or any other investment plans for the funds we manage.

Buying and selling units and dealing with registration queries including transfers

The Accumulation and Income Units in Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund may be bought or sold directly through Aberforth Unit Trust Managers Limited.

An Application Pack for Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund is available to download from our Literature Library and below. Please note that the latest Key Investor Information Document and Supplementary Information Document for the Fund are included in this pack. Orders may be placed by telephone by calling the Fund's Dealing Line on 0345 608 0940.

Applications can also be made via:

Link Fund Administrators Limited

Address: PO Box 388, Unit 1, Roundhouse Road, Darlington, DL1 9UE
Tel: 0345 608 0940

If you would like an Application Pack sent by post or email, please submit your request via the Contact Us section.

Please note that documents containing further information on the Fund - including the latest Annual and Interim Reports - are available to view or download from our Literature Library or below. Details of the dealing procedures and charges for the Fund are contained in its Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document - both of which can also be downloaded from our Literature Library or below.

Further details regarding income distributions, fees and charges, portfolio holdings and similar key information is available from the Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund page within the Trusts & Funds section.


Dealings in the Fund normally take place every business day between 9.00am and the Valuation Point that day - usually 4.30pm.

The minimum initial and subsequent investment into the Fund is £1,000. However, this amount may be waived by the Manager at any time.

The Fund deals on a forward pricing basis. Thus, when submitting an instruction to deal, investors will not know the price at which their transaction will be effected.

Holders can normally realise all or part of their holdings of units on any business day between 9.00am and the Valuation Point that day - normally 4.30pm. The Manager reserves the right to refuse partial redemptions of less than £1,000.

To enable us to make settlement payments for realisations by electronic transfer, we require unitholders to submit their full bank account details. The best way to do this is to download and complete the Bank Account Notification Form which is available from our Literature Library or below.

There are no entry or exit charges for the Fund.

The spread between the buying price and the selling price reflects the underlying spread on the portfolio of investments. This spread can therefore fluctuate and the current dealing spread is shown on the Latest Prices page.

Detailed information on the Fund's charges is set out on the Fund Charges page.